UNISPOOL« comprises a host-resident core module, which provides the basic
print file management functionality, plus a number of other host-based
modules that each provides well-defined optional capabilities.
This product architecture lets users precisely tailor UNISPOOL« to meet
the needs of their current print environment, while it also allows them to
"scale" the functionality as their requirements grow. The core module
(Print File Management Module) includes the command line interface and
the basic print file management, configuration, and security capabilities.
The optional modules include:
Local Spooling: printer drivers and associated print file management
functionality for print devices directly connected to the host.
Network Spooling: resident on each host, providing host-to-host
print file transfer.
Distribution and Control: provides enhanced print file distribution
and selection capabilities, as well as customised banners and dynamic
print file handling.
Netprint: allows the inclusion of printers connected to the network,
to terminal servers, and printers slaved to PCs; in the printing network.
Novell: enables bidirectional print file transfer between the host
and Novell servers.
Lanman: enables bidirectional print file transfer between the host
and OS/2 LAN Manager servers.
NT: enables bidirectional print file transfer between the host and
NT servers and NT workstations.
Commander: a sophisticated graphical user interface based on
MS-Windows, which allows access to the global printing environment using
point-and-click technology.
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